12 Ekim 2014 Pazar

Ted-Ed | Technology Integration

When I become a teacher, I think that I am going to provide my students with “Authentic Learning” at the “Adaptation Level”. That means students will use technology tools to solve real-world problems meaningful to them rather than working on artificial assignments and also they will have opportunities to select and modify these tools. This also means that as a teacher, I have to help and encourage them to use technology to correlate their education the real world events. In addition, future’s technological life is inevitable. That makes more and more important to use teach and apply technology in classrooms. It will help teachers to raise students that are aware of world issues and that provides strong connection between them and others.

1 yorum:

  1. Hello Deniz, I hope your opinions about teaching don't change when you became a teacher because I think the best way of teaching and learning is using Authentic Materials. Also, you mention that you will use technology in classrooms, but what about if you become an elementary school teacher. Do you think that it will easy to use technology with elementary students?
