22 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba

Lecture Summary - Week 6 -

  • We've searched for the number of words in English by looking  [ http://www.languagemonitor.com/1000000th-word/no-of-words/ ]  . I predict that there won't be more than 350k, but interestingly it showed us there are more than 1m. words in English.
  • At " http://testyourvocab.com " we tested our vocabulary knowledge and get estimated results about how much do we know English words. ( Estimated 10.200 Words )
  • On the internet at [ " http://vocabulary.ugent.be "] we tested our vocabulary level again with some real and fake words that we recognize them or not and it showed us what's the percentage of our English vocabulary knowledge. ( Estimated %54 of the Vocab. )
  • http://www.learnenglish.org.uk/wff/ . I found this site very useful especially when the subject is teaching English to new learners.  It shows us 7 difficulty levels for English words. It will definitely helps us to shape our classes accordingly to our students level and provide better learning-teaching environment.
  • http://www.lextutor.ca/freq/train/ . This site is for testing our word frequency intuition level.
  • We examined DATA-DRIVEN Learning by following the tasks in http://cte319.pbworks.com/w/page/30720613/activity%20-%20introduction%20to%20ddl.  [ http://www.wordle.net/ - http://smmry.com - http://folk.uib.no/nfylk/concordle/ ] 
  •   In the third hour, we started with " http://www.lextutor.ca " . It is useful to measure the level of the text that we have read or as a teacher we will submit our students.  To find out which words belong which context is the key concept for better comprehension of the texts. Especially with color representations it made the text very easier to analyze by "VOCABPROFILE ". Then with "KEYWORDS" part, it compares the usage of vocabulary items in the text we've analyzed and in general English. After that with " CONCORDANCE " , we could see the as the name suggest, which words accord with which words in the text.
  • At " https://readability-score.com/ " we discovered the reading ease of the text by analyzing them in many different ways. It helps teacher to take authentic text and change the level of the text accordingly to the students level

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