4 Ekim 2014 Cumartesi

Reflect on the Literacy Skills [ w3 ]

Teaching is the one of the jobs that needs hard working and also to keep pace with new developments. It is not a static job and its nature has lots of variable from students to school, from region to language, from class materials to gender. So in order to be an effective teacher, sometimes you have to take the shape of the container you are in. As my previous sentence suggest, I think the most important feature of teaching is to be flexible and creative. But for sure, learners will demand much more than this. Since they will see you the source of knowledge you need to be ready for them to be innovative and mentor as well. If I compare my secondary school education sufficiency with my university's demand in order to whether if it was efficient enough or not, I may say in my secondary school I couldn't find chance to practice my skills. But since teaching and learning is such complex, I don't know how accurate would be to compare those times' teachers and now's. As I said before teaching is not a static job and of course teachers will be more and more aware of the coming developments and will learn how to be a better teacher. ------ 21st CC teachers ------

2 yorum:

  1. I think many people suffer from the same thing as you did: not learning enough skills to deal with problems people face at the university level before coming to university. In my opinion, as future teachers, we should be the ones who change this. Rather than teaching our students basic things, we need to prepare them for the higher education.

  2. Hi Deniz. I totally agree that flexibility and creativeness are really important for teachers. As a potential English teacher, we have always consider that our job will be part of our life. We should always update our knowledge and avoid to being routine teacher. It is import because how much we are dynamic and creative, our students are dynamic as well.
