5 Kasım 2014 Çarşamba

Lecture Summary Week 8

  1. http://www.er-central.com/ogte/  It's a Online Graded Text Editor tool. We took a authentic text from bbc (2a) and look for the words' level to find out which words can be difficult to understand at certain levels ( beginner, elementary etc. ) We checked the text for 7.th level which is high-elementary. But the site has a little bit slow process so we just checked for the very first sentence.
  2. http://www.wordandphrase.info  It's a site to analyze how frequent the words are used in English in 4 different levels. Also it shows where and under which genres the words are used. We checked the word " PROPOSE " and the site showed that its rank is 1702, other words the 1702. most common used word in Eglish. Furthermore you can find the synonym of the words for using when you do paraphrasing. We argued that it would be not correct to paraphrase all of the words because as a teacher we may need some guessing process from the students.
  3. http://www.just-the-word.com/  It's a collocation sampler which show the combinations of the words, frequency of combinations in a statics. We checked alternatives for "HIGH VOLUME".
  4. http://corpus.byu.edu/  It shows you the corpus list and gives a chance to search the word that you are looking for almost in every dimension. It's a great tool to improve students' lexical inventory.
  5. http://ezarticlelink.com/articlespinner/free.php  and https://spinbot.com/ for some kind of automatic paraphrasing. But using these kinds of tools may ended up with plagiarism !
